Combustion Control
Investing in combustion control is an important aspect of plant efficiency.
The Danes are very progressive in this area so it’s not surprising that BWV’s patented DynaGrate® technology, one of the most advanced combustion grates on the waste-to-energy market was installed in several of their wood burning power plants.
If the fuel and air mixture lacks oxygen some of the fuel passes through unburnt. That literally means that your money goes up in smoke!
To put this into context, a 1.5% excess of Oxygen results in an extra 1% on the fuel bill, whilst for every 0.2% excess of CO ~ 1% is added to the fuel cost.
SGS GAS was awarded the system integration contract having previously demonstrated a competency in instrument integration and project management. GAS built up and installed several Servomex SERVOTOUGH 2700 systems to optimise combustion efficiency in 3 biomass power stations across the UK recently.
The photo shows one of the 3 installations all of which SGS GAS completed successfully and on time.
Article posted 08 December 2020