Receiving & Inspection Onsite Analysis

A day in the life of a SGS GAS testing engineer…
Receiving & Inspection departments routinely request SGS GAS to validate industrial gas products on site before accepting them into production processes.
All SGS engineers are fully trained in gas testing to a variety of Standards including EP, USP, ISBT and EIGA.
We are proud of our rapid response to customer needs which always comes with the assurance of an audited reporting and documentation trail in accordance with ISO 17025.
Ranging from, Pharmaceutical, Medical Device, Semiconductor, Food & Beverage and Industrial Gas suppliers, many use our gas testing services at some point.
If your organisation needs to periodically check gas quality or wishes to submit samples for detailed laboratory analysis please do contact us first.
We offer UK and IRL coverage providing on and off site analytical services as well as a mobile laboratory for the most demanding, time sensitive applications.
We will be happy to advise on available options without obligation. 

Article posted 18 January 2021